Adult Ministries

Kare More

A treasured member of our congregation, Ellen Barnes, leads the Kare More group, which meets in the Thomas Room on Sunday mornings. The class is available to men and women who desire to develop friendships through the study of God's Word. Please join us to participate in sharing lively discussions as we study the Bible together! 

Kare More begins at

10:30 am on Sundays

Prayer Shawls

Members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry crochet and knit prayer shawls and blankets for those in need. Established in 2013, the group has donated over 380 prayerfully hand-crafted items to individuals in our church, our community, and throughout the United States! If you are passionate about prayer, knitting, and crocheting, then we invite you to join this caring group!


For more information, 

please contact the office.

Women in mission

The Women in Mission support a myriad of missions and projects. In May, the group sponsors the Mother and Daughter Celebration.  If you have a heart for sharing with other lovely women in missions, this is the group for you!

Women in Mission meet

in the office Conference Room

at 3 pm usually on the

third Thursday of each month

from February through November

For more information,

please contact Audrey Buckner

Volunteers in Mission

Our Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Team showed the love of Jesus by performing the physical work needed during emergency situations and ongoing outreach operations. This was sponsored by Chiques for many years but now has been handed over to a new team, the Chiques VIM Team traveled each February to assist the Methodist Church in a mountainous area of Puerto Rico. If you have a passion for lending a hand in construction missions, a VIM group may be a great place for you to connect.

For more information, 

please contact Jay Mueller.


Our senior group, the Elderberries, provides engaging programs each month for fun and fellowship. Each event opens with a devotional and concludes with refreshments. Events may include musical performances, guest speakers, or tours of the surrounding area. 

Elderberries meet

in Sloan Hall

the second Tuesday

of each month

This group's meetings are currently paused. 

For more information,

please contact Roger Gundlach.